Do you need a Car Engine Management System Check?

Car Engine Management System Check

Car Engine Management System Check

If so give grove auto a call. Engine management system checks our one of the main services we focus on. We have all the right tools and equipment to check almost all makes and models. To learn more or to get your engine management check, give us a call on (08) 8289 1053. 

Car engine management of engine management as it is more simply known as the brain of the car. This brain controls the fuel supply along with the ignition. The engine management system (EMS) controls the whole combustion process making the engine run more efficiently and thus less polluting in the new cars.

At Grove Auto Repairs we are able to service and repair these systems in almost any car. No matter what make or model we have the tools to be able to fix any glitches, errors or faults in this technology.

Need to get another part of your car checked or serviced?

If so please visit our services page. There is a full list of all our services that we provide to our customers. 

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